Rose Essential Oil Recipes

Aromatherapy Bergamot Essential Oil Car diffusers Diffusing Essential OIls Essential OIls Geranium Essential Oil Lavender Lavender Essential Oil Patchouli Patchouli Essential Oil Rose Essential Oil Wearable Diffusers Wonderful Scents Ylang Ylang Essential OIl

Rose Essential Oil is known to provide psychological and emotional support when diffused into the air. It’s a mood booster that can promote joy, relaxation, memory and mental clarity.

“Do not watch the petals fall from the rose with sadness, know that, like life, things sometimes must fade, before they can bloom again.” ~ unknown


Roses are considered one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. Roses are a part of stories, legends, myths and legacies. People who do not know about its medicinal properties can tell you a beautiful rose can invoke romantic feelings and bring on lovely memories. 


Source: Wikipedia

Rose Essential Oil (Background)

It takes 10,000 roses to fill a single 5ml bottle! Due to the labor-intensive production process and the low content of oil in the rose blooms, rose oil commands a very high price. Harvesting of flowers is done by hand in the morning before sunrise and material is distilled the same day. So sending someone a 5ml bottle of Rose Essential Oil is like sending them 833 dozen roses. If you do the math, every drop of our Rose Essential oil is 60 roses.

Rose Essential Oil Recipes

Wonderful Scents Room Spray

Essential OIl Concentrate:


To make a 2 ounce room spray, mix 6 drops of your aroma concentrate with 2 ounces of distilled water. Shake well and spray upward into the air. For a stronger aroma, add more drops in 5 drop increments and respray.

Wonderful Scents Essential Oil 15 ml Bottle Collage

From $9.99

Wonderful Scents Diffuser Blend



Blend all the oils. The mixture can be used in an electric diffuser, wearable diffuser or car diffuser (electric or clip diffuser). When using this with a wearable or car clip diffuser, us the same ratio, but in smaller amounts or blend the oils and place one to three drops of the blend on your felt pad.



Clinically Tested Rose Oil Recipe for Depression

The journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice published a study that set out to prove natural reactions to rose aromatherapy clinically. With a subject group of 28 postpartum women, the researchers separated them into two groups: one who would be treated with 15-minute sessions of a 2.5 percent solution of rose/lavender oil aromatherapy twice a week for four weeks, and a control group.

Their results were quite remarkable, the women experienced a significant decrease in postnatal depression scores, they also reported marked improvement in general anxiety disorder.

If you are feeling blue or struggling with something, trying diffusing 5 drops of rose essential oil and 5 drops of lavender oil before you go to sleep at night. Hopefully you will wake up feeling rejuvenated and less anxious.



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This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. This article has not been reviewed by the FDA. Always consult with your primary care physician or naturopathic doctor before making any significant changes to your health and wellness routine.

- Ava

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